While federal debt is appropriately divided between debt held by the public and Intra-governmental debt, nearly all of it is subject to the limit. 虽然联邦举债分为公众所持债务和政府内部债务,但几乎所有债务都受举债上限的制约。
One is indeed that the government debt now held by the BoE would be sold to the public. 一个选择就是在以后把英国央行目前持有的政府债务出售给公众。
The essential aim of such policies is to shorten the debt held by the public or issued by the consolidated public sector comprising both the government and central bank. 这些政策的主要目的是缩短债券的期限,包括公众持有的债券,以及综合公共部门(政府和银行)发行的债券。
In 2007, before the financial crisis, federal debt held by the public was equivalent to 36.3 per cent of GDP. 在金融危机爆发以前的2007年,公众持有的联邦政府债务规模相当于同期GDP的36.3%。